Friday, January 15, 2010

My Friday Beefcake....
Round 2 Jonathan Waud
Happy Beefcake Friday folks! Thought a double dose of JW was in order.....Just about to start my work day....have I ever mentioned how I wish I could work 4 10 hours days and have 3 days off? One day I hope that happens......It just makes more sense in so many ways.....but TGIF for sure. This week went quickly and now another weekend is upon us. YAY! Don't have much planned for the weekend at all just one thing really--my uncle Steve's retirement party on Sunday. He worked for 43 years with the Naval Shipyard here.... It should be fun as we get to spend time and see lots of family and friends on Sunday afternoon. We don't get to see some of them too often so it will be good for my mom to see everyone as well now that she has more energy.
I am still being a recessionista and being as thrifty as possible.....I am going to try to stay away from any shopping this weekend again. Though a friend just emailed me and told me she is headed to one of our fave Places U Village tomorrow....Damm her! I told my honey that I want to maybe go and see Avatar tomorrow morning. All he said was ITS A LONG MOVIE...So will see if hes in the mood tomorrow am...He would rather go to the Village... Oh its so hard to be a good boy sometimes.....


  1. You are is, indeed, difficult to be a good boy most of the time.

    Happy Weekend, you guys.

  2. Hot pic! Thanks for sharing :)
    Hope you have a great weekend with whatever you decide to do.

  3. It is like the yeng- yang you have to be good and bad to make on complete.
    Have a great weekend.
