Friday, March 26, 2010

Fridays Fur...
Fridays fur is none other that our youngest kid--LOLA.... she had a haircut last weekend and we had to take a pic of her new short and sassy do....I cant believe she will be 2 in May....and speaking of birthdays....I am glad its the weekend....not much going on.... well except for going out for Birthday Boy cocktails tomorrow night!!! As Monday is dooms day for yours truly......Hip Hip Hooray! Not so much... Another birthday is knocking on my door! So what do I want for my birthday? Hmmmm.... Im def not going to Disneyland....But maybe just maybe I just need to purchase tickets to Hawaii...That's the plan anyhow as I am so homesick!

Well buckaroos....hope you all have a nice weekend....and if you are in Seattle-- PLEASE Stop in to Purr...for cocktails with me....Would love to see ya! Starts at 7 and we will do a pub crawl throughout the night as we have a few more party's and bars to attend.... Need more info? E mail me! I would love to see U!!


  1. Have a great weekend! And a BIG ...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    Hope it's a great one! Like a fine wine, you just get better with age

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Hope you have a great birthday!

    Is Lola a Bichon? They're the cutest ever!

  3. Wishing you a wonderful & naughty Birthday Weekend!

    I hope I look as good as you when I am your age!

  4. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Awe what a cutie! Happy Birthday.

  5. THAT is an adorable dog.
