Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Haven't had time to blog-- Had some home issues over the weekend-- A sewer injector pump to be exact.....WHAT a royal pain that was! Needless to say it is now fixed-- It would of cost about $1500 to 2 grand to fix with a plumber but I did it and saved us a bunch of money.... but it was super nasty! I do feel a bit butch that we fixed it on our own though...Quite a feeling of accomplishment really.....It took about 25 "fuck this" screams and about 25 "oh hell" screams...and about 4 trips to the hardware store and a real good scrubbing bath when it was all done.... I also had to live on pain pills for the back aches I got for the last few days....but it was done and done right.

Work is also hell for many reasons and I cant elaborate much on that right now and then some other personal shit going on. So I am busy and worn out and haven't had time to blog at all...Hope to get more time soon.

Thanks to those that have been sending me messages and checking in on me to make sure all is ok....awww so sweet!


  1. Sorry to hear about the injector pump and stress at work!

    ...and your back pain.

    Geesh, you are falling apart, aren't you? Kidding. Glad to see updates on your blog, though!

  2. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Happy St. Patty's to you.

    Hope the pump and back get better soon.

  3. Happy Belated St. Pat's to you too. I love Leo Giamani (is that his name?)! Would love to be worn out by him. :)

  4. Had you called the plumber, it would have been the perfect set-up for a made-at-home DVD.

    Ditto for calling in the pizza delivery boy.

  5. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Ah the joys of home ownership. Sorry to hear about the pump.

    I can totally relate to being worn out. It's been a long week and I'm so ready to hibernate this weekend. The thought of going to bed right now is so appealing but I like to stay up a little later on a Friday night if possible.

    Take care and here's to a better next week!

  6. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Ah you are still the best - love that manly look and after reading your blog you are even more the man that I fantasize you to be.
