Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Sooo Gay Johnny Weir
A Modern Day Liberace
In honor of hump day lets go SOOOO GAY today.....I have to admit some gay boys deserve props-- even Johnny Weir......He is SOOOO GAY! Which is soooo ok.... as we all should love each other and there is nothing wrong with a boy that is SOOOO GAY! I mean he gives most straight women a run for there money! I love his LV bag and his whole Liza look here.

Now speaking of SOOO GAY....Saw a tidbit on LIBERACE last night on TV..... I'm sure you may have already heard but in case you didnt..... I guess Micheal Douglas is cast as Liberace and Matt Damon is cast as his lover....Wow! I just hope it is done well and not a bomb.....I Love Liberace so this maybe very interesting.


  1. WOW, Lucky Michael Douglas :)
    I think those two will be great. I remember both of them made guest appearances on Will & Grace. Michael played a gay character and he was great. Matt played a str8 guy acting gay to get a spot in the gay men's chorus and he was great.
    I love Johnny...he is out there and makes no apologies for it and I LOVE that about him

  2. Johnny knows who he is, and I respect that!

    That's more than we can say for a lot of other people out there...

  3. Xander S10:40 AM

    I love Johhny Weir- he knows who he is and he's damn proud of it.
    If you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love anybody else!!

  4. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Ilove Johnny! He is articulate, and out and proud and marches to the tune of his own drum, music, beat, or skates. hehe.

  5. Anonymous11:07 AM

    robertga99 - the first thing I thought of is that both played gay characters on Will & Grace. I LOVED Michael Douglas' character best, especially the scene at the club when they were dancing. Woot!

  6. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I want Matt Damon to be my lover.

  7. I think both Michael & Matt are terrific actors & they will do a good job. I am just a little tired of straight actors playing gay! There has to be thousands of gay SAG members to choose from.

  8. I admire him for living so outloud. The gayest I get is when I'm doing the dead - or possibly pissed off after too much wine. lol
