Friday, April 30, 2010

Fantastic Friday!
And Its a Party Weekend Ahead....
Love a good a tighty whitie pic.... This one reminds me of a fella I knew back in my paper route days.... he shall remind nameless....anyhow.....Happy Friday! Happy Last day of April! We have a busy weekend ahead so bring it on! Josh and Hayley are having a BBQ tonight as they just got back from Hawaii and Arizona- lucky bastards! So tonight we and the usual suspects are all getting together to roast some weenies and hang out. Its actually to celebrate Josh's new job at Starbucks Corp....we are all happy for him. Its like Google-- so many candidates for those sought after companies here and its nice to see a good guy land it!

Tomorrow is the boys big engagement partay and boy they are so excited! I told you how we went over the other night to help prep and so we also got to preview the space--- WOW! I will be taking pics for sure to share! They are having it where they live and have renting out a suite and this whole common area and huge outdoor area. It is quite fabulous and breathtaking. Very modern and very very cool. Its going to be lovely and we just hope mother nature co-ops for them. Check it out.

I cant believe it is going to be May 1! I do wish I was back home in Hawaii at this time as May day is lei day in Hawaii. All the pageantry and festivals and all the flowers and leis! Right up this local boy's alley! Speaking off I better go get some leis for the boys tomorrow night that would be so perfect! Aloha!


  1. Happy Friday! Have a terrific weekend.

  2. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Those who possession of to the standard faiths demand that the expert of their certainty rests on expos‚, and that expos‚ is confirmed in the pages of books and accounts of miracles and wonders whose complexion is supernatural. But those of us who have great discarded the belief in the mysterious still are in the coolness of revelations which are the foundation of faith. We too have our revealed religion. We accept looked upon the clock of men and women that can be to us the symbols of that which is holy. We enjoy heard words of religious shrewdness and truth vocal in the human voice. Out of the milieu there have hit to us these occurrence which, when accepted, allow to us revelations, not of unexplainable belief, but of a unexceptional and sure credence in the clerical powers that animate and stay in the center of [a person's] being.
