Friday, April 23, 2010

Weekend Is Here!
So glad the weekend is here! Big time! I hope we get to do as Bueller here and squeeze in some chillin time with some cocktails.....We have Monday off so its a three day weekend..yabbadabbado! Can you see my big ol grin from where you are today? Got a few things to do around the house over the weekend as its that time of year that the yard needs some extra TLC... so will try to get that in if weather co-ops for me......I do a little bit on weekday evenings here and there so that I don't have a all day workout to do on weekends and that helps alot. Last night I did some trimming and man it really got my allergies going last night....I am happy it is better today! Sniff sneeze cough...really.....

This afternoon we have a apt for our eldest kid Alika....dermatologist.....People laugh that we have a dermatologist for our dog....but he is in need of it and goes every three months to check in and follow up. His Dr is a silver fox and he is sorta kooky but super duper nice and quite handsome.... Tonite we have dinner plans with a few friends which I am looking forward too as I am ready for some fun and cocktails! We then plan to spend time tomorrow afternoon with the folks after doing some errands in the am. I am going to try to get some flower pots done for my mom as she would enjoy that since she cant do it anymore and it will brighten her up. Tomorrow night we have a date night with some new buds and plan to go to a movie... We still cant decide which movie.....So many choices! I think we ought to choose a comedy as I need some laughter. Sunday is wide open for some yard work and just home stuff, blog surfin ( got to catch up on so many of you!) and RNR....and then Monday the same plan....I do have a luncheon apt on Monday but that's about it......Phew! Well this is the plan for the weekend....or should I saw outline? Its funny as I seem to always outline it in my head....Of course things can change and fall into different orders but most of the time this is how I gage it. So Suzy Planner. Ok time for Suzy to go as my grin is making my mouth hurt already....Have a good weekend! xoxo Rad


  1. Anonymous8:07 AM

    just don't go stealing an expensive car from your bfff and sing Wayne Newton songs down the middle of a parade.....mmmmmmmmmmkay?

    Other than that, have a fun weekend!

  2. Hi there! Your blog is hot! I would very much love if we could swap blog links.

    I will add your blog within the next hour as a goodwill gesture so you should see it somewhere on our homepage. If you do not wish to trade links please let me know, otherwise, have a great day :D

  3. Hey Rad! Just wanted to say hello & remember not to get too drunk this weekend!

  4. The weekend was lovely though rainy and work filled.
