Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Happy Boys Day! 2010
I know most people think of the 5th of May as Cinco de Mayo but in my life growing up in Hawaii this day is Boys' Day (in Japan, this day is also celebrated and has been changed to Children's Day).

In Hawaii and Japan, families fly koi-nobori, which are carp streamers, outside their homes. The number of carp on the poles are supposed to represent the number of boys in the household. This morning the hubby made sure to put out our carps and it was so sweet that he remembered to put them out. They are just like windsocks and my parents would be so proud. We have 3 of them and they represent the boys in our household.....Mochi (rice cakes willed with red beans) are traditionally served on this day so I guess I’ll have to have some mochi and also a burrito....


  1. Boys are cool, you know. You and I included! Happy BD.

  2. Sounds like a good tradition.
