Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oh Bradley!
Brad Goresky from Rachel Brad who knew? You hot tamale mon! I love this guy as he makes me laugh and now we see this hot bod....So BONUS points indeed!

So far the holiday weekend is WET and not the good wet...Looks like alot of indoor sports and activities unless it lets up! I hope it clears up as we have a car club thing this afternoon and a BBQ we were invited too this evening and then having a few friends over tomorrow for a weenie roast/cocktails and such here....Maybe I need to do some sort of Hawaiian rain prayer or dance? At least the rain is giving the plants and grass alot of water-- the floral and fauna is major lush right now---Now we know why they call Washington the Evergreen State! Its all shades of green right now...Its really pretty! But where is the sun man!! Im water logged!


  1. He makes my raspberry swirl! :)

  2. I don't know him. But I wish I did. He's adorable!

  3. Do you suppose there's a way for me to get his phone number -- or slip him mine?

  4. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Nice photo. He's pretty HOT. Hope you had a great weekend!

  5. WOW is right. Who knew this intelligent & funny guy had such a bod! Brad is so adorkable.

  6. Very, very, VERY cute!

  7. Anonymous4:53 PM

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