Friday, May 07, 2010


Fridays boy is none other than Tim the "Speedo Student"...If you haven't heard he is the one making all this ruckus at the University of Hawaii for his uhhh videos.....

Update--check out his blog! NSFW What a cutie!

Weekends here and I am happy-- its is total blues skies this morning and the weather is suppose to be nice and sunny all weekend--at least that's what they fingers,toes and eyes crossed....The days are getting longer and last night the sunset was beautiful! It was at about 9pm and the sky was lovely! Hubby even grilled outside for dinner last night.....I just love the long days we have here....

Well time to get in Suzy planner mode and here is my agenda--Do some quick errands on the way home today-- we get off at 3pm everyday so its awesome to have the afternoons jump started! Get home and take the kids for a nice long walk...get back and give them a bath...They will like that! Tonite we have a few buds coming over to have a lets get this weekend started cocktails......I am already thirsty! Tomorrow morning will be out to Carpinito Brothers to get our veggie starts for the garden! We are one week behind this year but due to our weather we had to put if off. So plan on putting in the veggie garden tomorrow... its exciting as we got a nice garden box this year and will be able to do more than in previous years. So that's about it for the weekend. Plan to spend time with Mother on Sunday or tomorrow afternoon-- will ask her what she wants to do and play that by ear. I know just spending quality time together is her wish most of the time. I love my mom and Im just glad I have her for moms day to let her know shes the bestest mommy ever ever ever!


  1. Personally, I'd like to make a ruckus on his....uh, videos......

  2. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Such a sweet sweet side of you talking about your mother like that. I hope my son brags about me when he's a grown up : )

  3. He does have some hot videos. Nice body and nice package :)'
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Love the photo, and sending best wishes for the veggie garden. I'm going to miss mine this year!

  5. Thanks for the link, he is one cute guy.... nice package also.
    Have a great weekend & say hello to your Mom for me!

  6. Hey thanks for your comments on my blog. I love hearing from you. Makes me feel good to know you are out there. Tough Sunday but I'm here. Writing a lot more later! How was yours? Happy "M" Day to yours!!! Steve (
