Monday, June 28, 2010

Aloha 'Oe

Mom's Service is Tomorrow 6-29 St Anthony's Church in Renton.
3pm Visitation 4pm Mass 5pm Reception.
Been busy getting all the arrangements done. I wanted to make sure it was perfect. Its going to be a beautiful service-- a celebration of her life.

Aloha' Oe
Proudly swept the rain by the cliffs
As it glided through the trees
Still following ever the bud
The `ahihi lehua of the vale
Farewell to you, farewell to you
The charming one who dwells in the shaded bowers
One fond embrace,
'Ere I depart
Until we meet again

Sweet memories come back to me
Bringing fresh remembrances
Of the past
Dearest one, yes, you are mine own
From you, true love shall never depart

I have seen and watched your loveliness
The sweet rose of Maunawili
And 'tis there the birds of love dwell
And sip the honey from your lips


  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    It will be perfect Im sure. Hugs my friend

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about her passing but glad you are celebrating her life in memorial.
    My thoughts are with you!

  3. OH my goodness, what a fantastic picture! These sorts of pictures will become even that much more meaningful as the years pass by. Thinking of you.

  4. you have my paryers with you at this time.

  5. Sorry to hear about your Mom - sounds like you have planned a beautiful celebration of her life.

  6. Anonymous6:47 AM

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