Friday, June 18, 2010

Look Out Weekend!
here we come...
Week went sorta quick eh... How was it for you? So Wednesday nights gay skate was major fun...Alot of friends came and we had a super duper time. It was a very busy night and the most I have seen at Gay Skate yet.....It was nice for our peeps to come out on a school night so that was was fun to see everyone....Only thing missing at these events is drinks....but then again I don't think we want people skating that are buzzed!! LOL! There was lots of cute boys at the rink too! Does every gay boy know how to skate? It seems most of us have that gene to roll on wheels with ease... good times!

I am happy its Friday... Family coming in tonite from Hawaii and then a get together for dads day on Sunday at my moms. Mom is the same....She has good times and bad....I appreciate the time I am having with her. I enjoy every moment..I just continue to pray that she is ok and doesn't ever get any pain during this transition.

Now the weather here is crazy.....Lots of funny bets out on when we will hit 75 degrees as we have yet to even hit it this year...We hit 73 last Saturday....we seem to linger in the 60s everyday...No summer yet in Seattle that's for sure...

Hope you have a fabu weekend and to all my BFFS in Portland! Have a fricken awesome pride! Wish I was there with ya to celebrate..I love ya!

PS ....and to all you dads...Happy Fathers day to you! :-) Special hug for you Bryan!

Pic of Linda and I at the rink..


  1. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I am new to your blog, but enjoying it;)

    have a great weekend

  2. okay... that first picture is just crazy ass hot! then pic of you with your jeans rolled up throw me back to my high top rebock days of rolling up all my pants... hahah!

  3. You look SO handsome!! Great pic!

    Behr Hugs!

  4. I am glad you had a nice time at the rink. I used to go to one a long time ago, but you never see them any more. I do hope you and yours have a wonderful time this weekend.

  5. Sounds like a great weekend. Love both pics! Great tattoos!

  6. 75????? You're kidding? I need to send you a heat wave.
    You're looking sharp there.

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