Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy Friday
There are just some guys that will always be my faves...Like Mr Nick Youngquest here. I will never get tired of looking at pics of this man! I have posted him so so many times...So happy Friday ladies and gents! Its a very foggy morning here in Seattle. As I look out my office window the fog is thick and you cant see over to the next block or see any buildings in the skyline.... Very vampire! Which reminds me that I have to go see Eclipse at the theater soon. I love these marine layers morns and then the sunny afternoons ( as does my yard). Feeling a little under the weather today but I hope its just a quick yuck as I want to get out and enjoy the weekend.

Moms birthday is tomorrow and she would of been 62. Going to a small Hawaiian festival with Dad and her 2 sisters and we will spend some time there as she would of done so as well. She enjoyed going out to the community and then seeing all her friends....Oh my... I have had a rough few nights. I have been a bit more sad lately then the last few weeks. I think its something to do with the time getting farther away from her actual passing which is about 5 weeks now. Reality just sucks and its getting deeper in ..... Something will remind me of her and I will get happy and then lots of times very sad and then I get all emotional and cry...So some of time I try to put it out of my head so I don't cry and get upset and then I feel guilty for putting her out of my head... All these emotions and feelings are so new to me. Its still a roller coaster. I am doing my best though and I know she is watching over me. I miss her so much.

Hope your Friday is nice and your weekend nicer... big love to you all! XO Rad


  1. Have a happy Friday and a good weekend! :)

  2. Anonymous3:57 PM

    celebrate your mom tommorow....I believe she will be there with you....on my moms bday, I go to her fav restaraunt and order her fav dish, makes me feel close to her;)


    btw: That pic is HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHot!

  3. I agree--Nick Youngquest is one of my faves
