Monday, July 19, 2010

Weekends Over--
Back to the Salt Mines
What a weekend!! Friday night was Sams B day--Sam is the guy above with the hubby and I...Had a great time and it was my first night out since my mom has left us really and it was a nice outlet and I had alot of fun. There were lots of pics but I look puffy in all them...yikes!! Just look at the last one below..... Blimpy is my new name! I want to say its from all the crying lately but I think its more that I need to go on a fricken major diet! So we had a GREAT time with Sam and friends and then of course this fine gent who I adore more and more each day......Love ya Derek! So we met up at The Elite for drinks...And they were really strong ones! Looks like I have a new fave bar to "tip it" .... Then we headed over and had a flippen blast at this Karaoke room Derek had arranged-it was a first for me and the hubby--man nothing like 15 plus guys packed into a room belting out songs...You name it we sang it.....Pat Benatar, Neil Diamond, and some faves like Olivia Newton John and so many more. I have to say Mr Solo Derek made it ever so fun! Cake food and solos...very good times! Afterwards we did the bar crawling and went over to PURR for more cocktails and then went and danced our booties off at THE CUFF..... Phew!

Then on Saturday we had a Hawaiian Festival all day and it was nice to see so many family and friends- Its one of the oldest Hawaiian functions in the area and has been going on since the 80's....It was something my mom and I have done so many times together through the years and it was bittersweet to not have her with me this year....but I believe she was with me in spirit. It was a LONG day of hula and food and hula and food.... We had planned to go another bday bash on Saturday night but we were pooped as we got home at about 9pm and then just crashed. Yesterday we planned to go out to some festivals and maybe even meet up with friends for a late lunch and do a farmers market but instead we ended up at home with the kids and relaxed and watched movies all day and took 25 plus cat was a lovely day! Much to short of a weekend tough and today its back to the salt mines--

Karaoke 4sum below! Todd- Micheal- Blimpy and Hubby
Hubby, Derek and Drunk Blimpy


  1. Anonymous11:40 AM

    sounds like a great weekend..bravo to you my friend for getting out and allowing yourself to have fun.

    btw: u look fabulous ;)

  2. We are such ladies! I love you so much!

  3. I'm so glad that you were able to kick up your heels a little. Just a little. Big hugs. I love the smiles!

  4. Blimpy?? I think not - you look great!
