Monday, July 26, 2010

White Pants

Rad and Linda

So I have to admit I LOVE white pants. Maybe it was partially due to my upbringing as men wore white pants to look spiffy back in my least I thought so. To me it does and will always look so good with a nice shirt or a Hawaiian shirt! Some of you know exactly what I am referring to as back in the days all male stars wore white pants....Elvis, Tab, Rock.....all them 50 and 60's guys and they all looked so cool! Also for me a traditional Hawaiian groom and if your in a Royal Hawaiian Court as a prince you wear the white pants as well.....HOT!

So anyhow I am a white pant/jeans supporter! I haven't worn them often since my 20's....But a few weeks ago I found this nice pair of white jeans at Joe Jeans at the outlet mall....No I didn't pay $249 for them (though that was what they were originally! WTF!) I found them on the clearance rack for $39! So I sported them over the weekend at a few party's on Saturday night.....and I must say I really liked them!!! I wore them with a light weight V neck T as it was a warm evening....

Had a bunch of "nice pants!" comments...Not sure if they were all good or bad though....A buddy of ours did tell me how he loved my pants but since he goes commando he thought it would be a prob...Made me laugh as I just said well "if you have a big dark bush maybe"...LOL! But I also said it would be ok as I had on black undies myself and it was fine but they were jeans and not some thin white material!! I do know that he is hung though and I told him he might have a nice VPL...which would be much to the delight of all the he is straight. Maybe I need to go back and check the clearance rack for a pair for him as well :-)

Anywho...What are your thoughts on white jeans or pants?

Nice smirk below! HA


Anonymous said...

I havent worn white pants in yrs...but boy you look good in them ;)

Ray's Cowboy said...

They look good on you.

Rick said...

You look darn good in them. But I think you'd look better out of them;) That's just me though.
I used to wear white pants and I had a white dinner jacket with fine blue stripes that I loved back in my day.

Anonymous said...

I just started wearing pants. White pants that is. It is hard to keep them clean cause I am like a 5 year old. I swear, I hope to Jeebus that the woman next to you on this photo does not hunt me down but she looks a lot like that woman on Knots Landing the blonde one. I cannot remember her name!!!!