Friday, August 13, 2010

BUTT I said

Nice ass huh? Happy weekend buckaroos! I am happy as heck its Friday! Work has been Stressful, Shitty and I am just So Over It. I know I know some of you are saying I should be thankful I have a job....but when I can talk and elaborate more about the situation I will..... And then you all will understand why I just wish it would just end. I didn't want it to end to a few months ago and now I am at a crazy point with it all.... I will need to get a new job and get into the crazy situation of looking for a job in this economy or becoming a bum ......will see what happens....anyhow I just hope we will be ok in the long run.....if it does happen it will be a meant to be sitch and we can look forward to some scary but also kinda exciting!

Looking forward the nice weather forecast we have for the weekend-- 80's and 90's which will extend well into next week they say. I know alot you out there in other areas have had a real summer and are so over the heat but we have been very cool here....So we are happy in the Pac NW for some HEAT! Last week was crazy as it poured all weekend. Pics below of our Seafair weekend. YES I am in a fricken sweater on a boat in August. WTF! I'm glad we had cocktails as the boat was rocking and rolling and I think it actually helped me to not get sea sick!

So no plans for the weekend... Which can only mean its going to be a good one! I want to party and enjoy the sunshine so I am sure I can find someone that wants to do the same with me......he he ...Plan to go roller skating at Alki Beach tomorrow.. Now if only this day at work could somehow go faster....
Hubby and I WTF! Dont take my pic! Val was ready! :-)


  1. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Im sure you will find the perfect job when the time is right;)

    I posted a drink recipe on man dish to celebrate the weekend...I think I like your pic better ;)

    hugs friend
    Steven Anthony

  2. Whoa, that's a mighty fine butt!

    You look great (sexy) with that goatee, Mr. Rad!!! Happy weekend. :-)

  3. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Love the pic of you and Val......Your so cute! XOXO


  4. I saw some AMAZING bums at the beach yesterday and today. Enuf said.

  5. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Nice Photos :) I know what you mean about the work day going faster. I am always wishing for quitting time and the weekend!

  6. I hate when people tell me I should be lucky to have a job!
