Friday, September 03, 2010

Happy Birthday to Rads HUBSTER!!
Today is a big day as the hubby turns 40! We met when he was 28. Its crazy to think he is 40. He is better than ever and looking as good as ever. I am happy 95% of the time-- the other 5% I want to kill him but its all good! He he he... He really isn't into doing anything to celebrate which might be due to all that has and is going on with our lives, jobs and all that. I had a whole small gathering planned and then he canceled it all and even called the cake I ordered! He told me he is wanting no celebrations and just a low key weekend. Yes sir! He is just looking forward to our 2 week trip back home to the islands in a few weeks and I can see that as being when we can relax and really celebrate together and make it count.... We do have this holiday weekend to meet with whom we want and hang and just chill so it wail be nice for him as he can choose what he wants to do for the next three days....

So nothing really planned for the long weekend...which is PERFECT! those are the best kind!

Happy Birthday to my love Jeff.. Here we are -- he was a young whipper snapper of hes a older but still hot whipper snapper 40! :-)


  1. Anonymous3:23 PM

    You guys are flippin' adorable!

    If you're happy 95% of the time consider yourself very very lucky. Haven't you ever heard of the 80/20 rule : )

  2. Being happy 95% of the time sure means you go the right man.
    And you sure DO look good together!

  3. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Wish him a very happy birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday! What a hottie, RAD. You too look wonderful together. :)

  5. Anonymous1:02 PM

    You are just so cute together...I hope his day/weekend is grand ;)

  6. Anonymous7:00 PM

    You make a cute couple. Happy belated Birthday Jeff.

  7. Anonymous10:59 AM

    happy belated birthday wishes to your hubby!

  8. Happy Birthday. Hope many more years to come.
    Lucky you to have someone who makes you hapy 95% of the time.

  9. Anonymous2:06 PM

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  10. happy birthday et bonne continuation merci pour ce blog toujours inovant et partagé
