Saturday, October 23, 2010

Da Pumpkin Patch!
Went to the Pumpkin Patch last weekend and took some shots..It was s sunny and lovely fall day! I like to call it FALLGASIM! Ive been really busy helping some friends with a remodel project on a house for the last few weeks I have been busy!!! Still deciding what to do with this split in the road we have before us.....Losing our jobs gives us the opportunity to change our lives and so many paths/roads have opened up....

What do I want to do--where to work? Work for someone? or do our own thing? Do we want to move to another state? So many questions and so many things to think about and change. Right now just going doing what we can as it has been a little over a month. I do know I want to do what will make us happy....Its funny as I am busier then I was when I was employed! I need a vacation man! LOL! So we are off to NYC in Nov! Cant wait! Below are more shots of the pumpkin patch!


Anonymous said...

what great shots and what a great place to be in your life...chin up and best of luck my friend ;)

Anonymous said...

Your pictures made me smile. Every time I visit you blog, I glance at the photo of you and your mom and it warms my heart. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

That's a hot photo of you in the patch ;)

Stan said...

You look great! Unemployment is agreeing with you. Good luck in whatever you decide to do. Sometimes a change is a good thing. Have fun in NYC.