Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween Costume
Tonite is the big annual Halloween Bash we go to every year.......I have posted pics from each year as I have been a Skeleton, Amy Winehouse...and last year a goth to name a few.... So this year we thought to go for a superhero theme.... Hubby is going as Robin...I almost went as Batman but could not find the right tights...LOL! At least ones that looked right. I did find one I liked...The Green Lantern! So that is what I am wearing! Just hope there isn't another fella in the same outfit....I would die! Well as long as I look beter then it will be ok....ha! I will make sure to post some pics!!!


  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    You're gonna look HOT! cant wait for pics;)

  2. Have a good time! You'll look hot I'm sure.

  3. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Big party and very crazy !!! ajajaj
    ;) Besos from Madrid

  4. Hope you have fun and take allot of pictures.
