Thursday, December 02, 2010

Bay Got Back--I mean RAD HOMO IS BACK....

I have been so BUSY!! you would think being unemployed would give me more time-- WRONG!! I am going to try hard to get into the swing of making time to blog...Mostly I miss being able to go and visiting all my fave blogs...I feel so out of the loop....But I also miss sharing my shit too!

I am going to make a LARGER effort!! I bet I can do it!! Its the tail end of the year folks! Hope it is going well for you! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!


  1. I know EXACTLY what you mean!! I don't know how I ever got anything done when I had a full-time job.

    Looking forward to your bigger, better blog. :-)

  2. I know what you mean. I am PRN and looking for a full time job with benifits. Hope the ebst for you.


    PS is that you with the wonderful looking arse showing?? WOOF

  3. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Nice buns! Job searching sucks, but the good news is that you can stop once you land a job. Hopefully, we both will be employed again really soon.

  4. I'm a sucker for a nice backside.
