Monday, April 25, 2011

CRUSH- Joe Jonas
Joe Jonas has definitely been on my radar this last year or so as he has gotten quite HAWT! This last week we have seen pics of him on the beach in Hawaii with his bros....He is quite the looker! I am not into brunettes as much but some really do catch my attention and he is one of those that do for sure. There is so many rumors and questions about his sexuality. But really who cares? A boy saying he is not gay might just be confused or whatever....that has never stopped me before! LOL! We all know and have had benefits from some "trade" in our day right?

Here he is below with the other A list Barbie Boys at the Calvin Klein Collection Fashion Show this last Feb 2011...Joe, Zac Efron and Kellan Lutz... Gosh I like all of them...Handsome bunch eh? Imagine that 3 way!!! WOWZA! I find it strange though that they all have probs with the "gay" question... but what is funny is that they all date the same "beards" too! OOPS I mean same girls too... hmmmmm.....


  1. Anonymous7:00 PM

    He has grown into a hottie for sure

  2. That second picture is so pornographic without being so. Yum. :)

  3. definitely three very cute boys

  4. I have no idea what he and his band sings, but he is handsome.

  5. a brunette :(
