Friday, April 01, 2011

Major Guilty Pleasure
Hawaii 5-0
I am a huge fan of the new Hawaii 5-0! Its one of my fave shows on TV right now and it just gets better and better. The entire cast is perfect and the chemistry between Steve and Danny is really really good too! I enjoy how they show has so many scenes of my island home and its use of Hawaiiana..its just an awesome show!

I have ALWAYS had a crush on Scott Caan --since he showed us his butt on Varsity Blues back in the day he has always been on my radar.....Now Alex is also on that radar big time too! What is funny is a good gal pal of ours mentioned to us that she saw a guy in her intouch mag a few weeks ago and then grabbed it to show us a pic of him as he is soooooo our type of guy! Well she brings it out and its Alex! LOL! She knows us well and we mention we have been crushing on him for months now.... So lets take a peek of the guys below! Hot! Check out the show too!

Now back to you weekend-- Have a good one!


  1. i haven't actually watched this show but the commercial for it seem great

  2. I have not seen this show, but I'm pretty certain the reasons you've included in photos above are why my mother and two sisters faithfully watch the show. I can't imagine its the creative story lines and compelling acting -LoL-

  3. Anonymous1:20 AM

    love the chemical bromance in series :)

  4. damn what a body

  5. he could make me his slave boy ;)

  6. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I love the show...and both men make me melt ;)

  7. I love the black and whites photos allot.


  8. That Caan has a damn good head of hair. Unlike pop.

  9. Nice pictures. We agree that both guys make the show well worth watching. I think it got off to a slow start, but it got better... they just need to have more shirtless scenes. :)

  10. I'd probably watch the show more if they ran around the islands topless. That's what I consider "Must See TV".
