Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Oh Austin---get it together and be nice to Derek! TJ is off to Hawaii with Rechien...And now we find out a new A LIST is on the way--- A-List Dallas... Do we need to have the girl? I still say they need to get rid of whatever her name is on New York...Can you say waste of space? Here is the Dallas Cast below...


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    the show is so good this yr...cant wait for dallas...bring it on.

  2. I'm lovin' this season so far. Why do they all think that Austin is so out of shape to do a nude photo shoot? I think he looks hot!
    A List Dallas?? not to sure about that.

  3. On the A-List I just wished they would get off that woman. I do not like her. I love the A-List. Since I am from Dallas. I think I am oging to love Dallas A-List. Can not wait to see it.

