Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Please Delete
Nyasha Zumicha-

R"YAWN"SHA- Sorry but LOGO really needs to remove this gal from the A-LIST! She is more like a Z-LIST! She is such dark soul just as Austin said! LOL! Really not worth the time of day to post but I just had too. She is not only a real bitch but look how ugly too! REMOVE THE FISH!!!!! The elephant in the room needs to go away. So sorry but girls like this really make me gag! Could they have not found a cool fag hag--she is GAROAST!!


  1. Anonymous1:31 PM

    doesnt it just feel forced when ever she and the boys get together? its like they themselves are saying what the hell is she doing here....

  2. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Well said brother..well said. If the directors were desperate they could have put TJ in drag.

  3. She is prue evil. I do not like her. Did you see how small her party was about those damn wigs. Trying to make Rodney feel bad. Hell who has not worn sunglasses at nigth at least once? I hope she gets hit by a NY bus.


  4. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Agreed! Girl is wacked!

  5. Anonymous1:30 PM

    LMAO! love the horns!
