Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Hey Doggies!
Who-wee! What a weekend! We had a function every night so we had 4 nights in a row of debauchery this long holiday weekend! Friday we checked out a new gay bar close to home and that was cool-- it was nice to spend sometime with some old friends Sat was the Hubby's bday...So I pulled together a last minute BBQ and it turned out super awesome! It was a full house. We had about 40 guest in the backyard..... even our kids had a great time as everyone brought there kids and doggies too! We had 9 dogs running about!!!. You can tell we are all such dog lovers that's for sure! Good times!

We all had to relax on Sunday morn-- our kids were knocked out! Then went fishing later in the afternoon and then round three as we had another BBQ on Sunday night to attend.

Yesterday we spent the day at Angle Lake-chilling in the sunshine and lake and had a weenie roast lunch! Then last night my sis came over for the tail end of this busy and intense labor day weekend and we just relaxed and caught up with each other enjoying cocktails on a warm evening our lanai/patio. Needless to say it was a busy ass weekend....But so awesome!

Today its back to our regularly scheduled life... Whoopie-doo! But there is a light at the end of this tunnel! We leave for HAWAII next Friday! Double Who-wee!


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    wow, what an awesome weekend...sounds amazing :)

  2. glad you had a great weekend!

  3. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Sounds like a busy but fun weekend! Glad your doing well.

  4. what a wonderful weekend, good moments :)
    and what a nice model, I love that shorts :D
