Sunday, October 16, 2011

Guilty TV Pleasure
Loving this new show!!! It reminds us how it USED to be back in the day to fly as a passenger and how it was quite glamorous to be a stewardess and prestigious to be a pilot or cabin crew. I remember having to dress up to fly with my granny and I loved going on the 747--it was quite special.. Nowadays flying has become like a train or bus-- dare I saw it will one day be like a cab? Anyhow love this show and I think the ladies on this show are so very hot! I love everything about it...and how can you resist Mike Vogel below who plays the captain as well? SWOON! I hope it makes it and gets the fan it needs to make it...I am a big fan for sure!


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    my newest guilty pleasure is abc's revenge, have you seen it? great show :)

  2. I was not too sure about this show.. I checked it out and I am hooked!
    Hope yo are having a wonderful day to day!

  3. We LOVE LOVE LOVE this show too...almost as much as Revenge... ABC has come to the table this season...

  4. i'm ving this new show as well

  5. If memory serves me right, being only 11 years old, I remember in 1966 flying to Hawaii with my family, in coach, and being served food on china and with real siverware. My partner works for the airlines and sometimes when we fly we are able to upgrade. Doesn't happen often but last year we flew to Seville first class. What a pleasure. Truly the only way to fly.

  6. I need to watch this show, I think I'd like it...

  7. Anonymous6:22 PM

    IMad Men got it right: men of the 60s were wearing Bryl-Cream, I saw one episode of this show and the men were sporting dry hair? NO WAY! [ I do support the lovely C. Ricci! ]
