Saturday, October 01, 2011

Orange you glad?
Its October 1- and fall is in the air! We are back from vacation and made sure to get our sunshine and beach in. Hawaii was awesome as always.... Weather has changed in the last day or so---we had our last 70 degree day on Thursday....Now its cool cloudy and rainy.... I do love fall though...Its a beautiful time of year....I think I am going to start decorating this week too. I did put up the fall wreath yesterday. Hubby and I was talking when we came back this week and how we would miss Seattle if we did move back to the islands....we just wish we could live in Seattle for Spring Summer and Fall.... And live in Hawaii for the winter.... How ideal would that be? Oh well time to go through the 15 boxes of fall and Halloween decor....Fun!!!


  1. What a wonderful shade. Can I lick it? Will it taste of pumpkin? ;)

  2. he Rad! Glad you had a wonderful vacation!

  3. Damn us for living in Seattle! I miss you lots! glad your Vkay was super!

  4. Orange you going to show us more of him? Please... pretty please?

    Ditto w/ regards to queer heaven. Glad you had a nice vacation.

  5. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Nice photo. Glad you had a great vacation and your travels were safe. Enjoy the Fall weather because Winter will be here before we know it. Hard to believe how fast this year is going!
