Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Blah blah blah
Or in this case above Ah ah ah! It has been so fricken insanely busy!! My dad moved to Hawaii so we have been taking care of getting his house here ready to rent so we have been cleaning and painting and all that stuff....then we are helping friends with some remodel of a farm when we can.... and then we started watching a 4 year old boy on the weekdays a few weeks ago.....We really have had no time to catch our breaths the last month or so....We are REALLY enjoying watching our little guy. Its like having a our own son. He would rather stay with the uncles then go home! LOL...

Damm ... no time to even blog these days..... My best bud arrived from Hawaii last night and he is here all week with us as well which I will enjoy! His mama has lung surgery today so I wish he was here under better circumstances......I am just glad we are here for this is my BFF and we stayed with him and his partner for 2 weeks in May and then 2 weeks in Sept in Hawaii... Now he is here in Seattle this week... He said when we picked him up last night....Wow long time no see! Which we all chuckled..... It is wonderful to see him thats for sure though... Ok Im out...Had only 4 hours of sleep! I need to go take a nap....wait the boy is over in a hour or so.... Ok time to get the coffee....


  1. Sounds like a hectic few weeks.

    It must be great having a child around. Especially around this time of year.

  2. Damn! You ARE busy. But I am glad to hear all is good with you .

  3. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Wow you did good on this post, considering only 4 hours of sleep.

    It's always good to see friends. The circumstances of your meeting up is kind of sad. I hope all goes well with his mom's surgery.

    Remember to take time for yourself and breathe. You do sound very busy. Be well!

  4. Good lord, busy is right! I thought I had it bad with a friend from Austin, TX visiting us and school work I never feel like I'm ready to present when it's due, and more work piling up from all sorts of odd sources. I don't envy your life at the moment...! I'm glad that you're able to be there for a friend, though. That's priceless.

  5. wow you have been busy and so glad you got to see your friend. as for the little boy of course he wants to hang with his uncles no one cooler. My son would rather hang with my friend shane and his hubby then with me anyday. hope you take time to relax and enjoy the time with friend and family.
