Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!
Sorry been hella busy the last few weeks- Had my BFF here from Hawaii so between that and work we have been so darn busy! Its been nice to have him here the last 2 weeks for sure. Its like old times running around town, staying up late and such....We do have to thank our blessings as we have spent so much time together this year! He is here for another week but went to stay with his mom and other friends this week for the holiday... Will hook back this weekend before he leaves next week.
We are looking forward to turkey day tomorrow and just chilling with good friends. We got a 22lbs turkey and I think it is the biggest one we have got in awhile... Its a BIG BUGGA!!! Were invited to a few dinners so we will do rounds of visits- Dinner is close to home and then some visits to do dessert etc. Wanted to have a quiet one at home with the kids but we decided to take a few offers on our friends invites. My family has shrunk as we are now on year 2 without my mom and now that my dad has moved back home in Hawaii its going to be a bit strange to not have dinner with my parents and at the house. It will be a first.... So many fond memories there. As a matter of fact I rented out the house and just last night gave the keys to the renter. Its hard to put into words how I feel about that home. I am hopeful that they will take care of it.
I have so much to be thankful for this year! We are happy and healthy and surrounded by good people and life is better than it has been for a long time. Things seem so much more appropriate and our direction though kinda not as laid out as it once was in the past is less stressful and much more loving. I so miss my mom so much on holidays..its hard! I take comfort in the fact that she is watching over me and my life today is guided by her hand from heaven....I feel her around me all the time.
Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours...


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Sounds like you will have fun and plenty to eat! Enjoy!

  2. So sorry to read that neither parent will be with you on Thursday.

    I wanted to wish you a lovely holiday, but I understand that it will be quite a different kind of Thanksgiving for you.


  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  4. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!

  5. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Sounds like it was well planned. Holidays are tough when you loose a loved one, but like everything else it gets better with time.

    All my best!
