Thursday, December 01, 2011

Christmas Lights- Check
Hubby and I got all the lights up yesterday in the yard- Day before we did the entire inside of the house- The house is now Christmasized and ready for the holidays! It looks awesome and I will have to take some pics soon and post. We had some help from Ryan Gossling above too...Well we are happy with the outcome and at least it only took two full days this year. I have a lot of stuff we decided not to use and will be donating it. We started years ago with LED lights and last year we were 90% .. This year we are at 100% LED and I must say I love the light it gives and love the lower bills! So Happy Decorating to you...If you need Ryans help e mail me and I will give you his number....

1 comment:

  1. We have done no Christmas decorating so far. We'll probably begin on Weds., but is there any way to have that Ryan Gosling tree?
