Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Holidays!
Holy smokes has it been a busy few weeks! I know you must be just as busy...Getting the holiday shopping done and then doing all the events and just getting our everyday normal routines and such done has been crazy! Its all winding down a bit now as we think we are done with shopping- this year we had more than usual to shop as we have allot of kids that came into our lives this year. I and the hubster are enjoying being "uncles" to so many toddlers. It fun to buy toys again as our other nephews and nieces are now in high school and beyond and now we just have a big x mas eve dinner to pull off and then I am going to bake like a crazy man tomorrow. I think I am going to make about 6 kinds of cookies- 3 types of bread and some cupcakes-- Got a new froster and I am excited to try it out. Ok boys get your mind out of the gutter! Not that kind of froster! he he he....Anyhow hope all is well out there for you as well and you are all enjoying the season. Thumbs up Santa!


  1. Ho Ho HO to you boys! Merry Christmas.

  2. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Too bad you don't need a taster, I would volunteer for that job in a heart beat. It all sounds really good.

    Christmas is really for kids, that is where the joy is. It's nice to exchange/give gifts to other adults but the real joy is when your a kid.

    Congrats on being uncles and I hope that everything goes swell for your holiday shindig!

    Merry Christmas!

  3. I wish you the very best in this holiday season and for the upcoming year!
