Sunday, December 04, 2011

Lady Gaga White Christmas

So I am a GaGa fan....I liked her but wasnt one of those who was MAJOR about her. I am a bit picky about my divas.... I can honestly admit I maybe a bit late out of the gates on getting on the GaGa wagon but but after watching her Thanksgiving Special I LOVE HER! I so enjoyed this side of her. I loved her White Christmas, Lady is a Tramp duet with Tony Bennett and Orange Colored Sky. She is going to join my ranks for faves now and all I can say is WOW! I suggest checking it ALL out.. Here she is with Tony singing Lady is a Tramp

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Very good rendition but shouldn't the line, "with every christmas card I write" be updated to "with every christmas email I send?"
