Sunday, February 19, 2012

Five Freebies
Was reading one of my fave blogs--here --- Shout out to Alfred! :-)
Anyhow I just had to steal this idea as I loved the idea as five freebies.. This may have to be a monthly thing for Rad.....I like it! I think we will call it 5 freebies in my head...
So here is my five-- Of course my number one guy is Derrick Davenport and he is above....
New to my head but so in love with him these days--- RYAN STACK! his accent makes him even hotter! Oh my!
Old fave like Derrick but ALWAYS on my hot list-- Nick Youngquest! So Perfect! WOOF!
My other hubby in my head-- James Marsden... Always on the list! ALWAYS!
Taric Kaljanac- No comment needed on why he is on the five freebie list today...


  1. Fun list.. thanks for the shout-out... and hey James Marsden is a FAB choice, how did I not think of him? He may have the best smile on the planet!
