Friday, May 11, 2012

ALIKA Thanks you!

Mahalo ( Thanks) to all those sending well wishes and good thoughts to us and our boy Alika-  He had his second round of chemo yesterday and he is doing ok...  He is sleeping alot..Last night he stayed in bed and didn't move an inch-- I don't think he feels sick but he is taking anti nausea pills just in case. His system take a beating after the treatment--  Poor boy... I am hoping he is better in a few days or sooner--   At least he only gets the chemo treatment every 3 his next one is at the end of the month-  Lets all hope and pray his weekly blood test show some improvement...  again thanks to all for you love-support and well wishes.....


  1. I am so very sorry to hear about your Dog. I know exactly what you are going through and how much of a financial burden it is. Your vet may accept something called Care Credit, it's run by the folks at GE Captial. They some times have special promotions like 6 months same as cash with no interest. Just putting it out there as a possible option.

    The sad part of this whole thing is that there is no cure and your money is just buying extra time. However, I think your doing the right thing. Who knows you might get a miracle but enjoy the time you do have. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

    Gay Marraige endorsed by the President, yeah what a week it's been!

    Sorry I wasn't here sooner but with my new job, I am really wiped out by the end of the day. I'm hoping that changes with time, but then again I am not getting any younger!

    Take care & God Bless

  2. Sorry I haven't been by this week, but the new job is taking up my time. I've been thinking about your Doggy and wondering how he is doing. I am praying for him and hope that no news means good news.

    When you can, please update me. Take care and have a good week.
