Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Numba One Son- ALIKA

Sorry about the non bloggin-- Been busy with projects...Looking for a Job...and dealing with some big time emotional items-  As most of you know we have 3 kids-- Malie and Alika and Lola----Our only son- ALIKA was diagnosed with Lymphoma about a month ago.  When the test came back in early April they told us that he is stage 3 cancer and he has about 30 days to live.  We were in shock and so very sad. We had some choices to make--we could let him be and make his life as comfortable as long as we can-- Or we could go with about 3-4 protocols--Each different using chemo-radiation- pill combinations-    This would give him more time.  Most of them would give him maybe 6-12 more months of life.

We had some choices to make--He was acting normal except his lympnodes were super swollen and huge--- But he seemed ok and normal--We did not want him to suffer or have a bad quality of life so we had to think about what to do.....  We knew we were not ready to just let him go so soon.  We were not being selfish it was just in our hearts and we knew that it just was not his time you know?  Most of the protocols start in the $3000 range and upwards to $7000 or more.. Of course we don't have the funds--But after careful consideration we decided to go with a plan...I decided we can max out a cc and just deal with it....It was worth it....  We wanted to see how he responded and our hope was well enough to spend one last summer with his family.  It has been a emotional roller coster and I know its just the beginning....

He had his first round of chemo last week and seems ok-- His lympnodes went way down and he seems ok....He is acting normal except he sleeps alot more....He has another round this week and then every 2-3 weeks-- a total of 6---Will see how he responds---- If he gets super sick I will stop...but so far he seems ok and good....

  We booked a beach getaway in a beach cabin for the upcoming holiday weekend-- It will be "Alikas" beach weekend-  He loves and adores the beach so this is going to be a memory weekend---We are just going to enjoy our time with him while we can---  our promise is to make sure he has a good quality of life while he has here and he will not suffer-  I most want him and us to spend quality time together before he goes to dog heaven.... Please pray for him...  He is such a good boy...


  1. So sorry Rad!
    I hope your weekend is wonderful!

  2. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I'm so sorry. I'll keep you in my thoughts and Truvy and Tramp will keep their paws crossed.

  3. I've been in your situation and I wish you the best time with Alika.

  4. My heart goes out to you my friends. The loss of a pet is terribly difficult. Just try to remember the many good times. I'm sure there were many
    l\Love Axel
