Wednesday, May 29, 2013

RIP Alika Makahio

We lost our son Alika last month.  Its been about a month since he left us---It was so hard but I know he is with my family and all his friends that are also no longer with us in this physical world.   I have had time to heal- but man do I miss him....I have not posted in long time on my blog-- I am going to try to pick it up again.  Just been crazy busy and alot going on.  Thought about just bagging it as I have done it for so many years.  BUT  I think I am just going to try to be better about it and not just quit it...So Im back!  Im sure I lost a few devoted readers but hey maybe not and now can maybe pick up some new victims!  Ba ha ha!


  1. Anyone who doesn't understand the mourning of a cherished pet doesn't deserve your blog. I am sorry for your loss. I honestly believe though - as you indicated - that once of the Rainbow Bridge, Alika is frolicking with friends and family. HUGS to you!

  2. Very sorry for your loss. We have something in common, loss. I lost my partner last month, he suffered a fatal stroke. My universe has been turned upside down. Things are very much a mess. Then the vet tells me that Big Boy has 3 to 6 months. I hope they are wrong again because 1 loss is 1 too many I can't imagine more.

    Glad that you are back blogging.
