Thursday, June 27, 2013


So I have mentioned this before-- I have a thing for just normal white briefs-- as well as any 
thermal underwear....Lets just say I go ape shit over it.....HAWT HAWT HAWT!  So Im going 
to start something new on my blog-- lets hope I can keep it up....Tighty Whitey THURSDAYS!   I think this is going to be fun.....mmmm mmmm good  


  1. Looking forward to Tighty Whitey Thursdays!!

  2. Anonymous1:50 AM

    zI think the pair in the 1st photo are looking at both tighty and whitey in the rear view mirror and going 100 miles an hour. NOT that I'm complaining - I love a good worked pair of brief like that.

    Thermals? Well I guess you weren't going to be seeing any of those in Hawaii.

  3. I used to work at a truckstop and in the summer many truckdrivers would drive in their tighty whities. What a thrill it was when I was washing their windshields!
    Ever since then I have had a thing about driving nude or in my underwear. Also like to collect pictures of other guys doing the same.
