Friday, July 05, 2013

Hubby and Rad Homo At 4th of July Parade

Our hometown has a 4th Of July Parade each year and hubby and I and my sisters go every year-  Here we are yesterday just before the start..... When my mom was alive she LOVED going with us as she LOVED parades....its been 3 years since her passing so this is the 3rd one without her. Its a special day for us to remember her-- Parade at 3 and then we head home and BBQ and then later go watch fireworks just like we did pretty much every year...  Actually a few weeks ago was the 3rd anniversary of my moms passing and this next week we are all headed home to Hawaii to put my mom in her final resting spot in Honolulu in the family plot.  Its been hard for us all to get our schedules to work out and we finally did it--It will be all my moms kids and we rented a big beach house-- I know my mom will be happy to see us all together..It should be a trip to remember and cherish for all is us...


  1. You Guys are too cute. Happy Holiday, i'm following your blog now

    check out my blog



  2. you guys are too cute! happy 4th, and i'm following your blog now

    feel free to take a look at mines!



  3. you guys are too cute! happy 4th, and i'm following your blog now

    feel free to take a look at mines!


