So at lunch today, as most days I was talking with the girls in the lunchroom...My pals Starla and Michelle.....We go through alot of crazy subjects during our daily ritual and some of the subjects would make your hair curl.....Today we concluded that we all agree that big bush is coming back-- and we all think the bare and scaped look is getting old.....Trims will be ok......but hairless is on its way out.....We watched this one dude at the salad bar who is rumored to have a real big dick and decided his new name nickname is now"club". Observed the girl from accounting who had hair today that was so big it sorta looks like a giant mushroom.....well you know we just sorta gossip and comment like old ladies through our lunch......Anyhow we got on the subject of gloves somehow and I mentioned to Starla how I always envied the girls back in Hawaii as for proms and dances they all wear those nice evening gowns with long gloves....I always wanted to wear long gloves...and how gay is that?
Anyhow she sends me this after out return from lunch today....
For you Errol - it may not be as good as what you could do but it makes the point. : -) Starla
Fricken Hilarity... This dress is crazy and I look so goofy faced! I do however like the black gloves!
"Club"? Oh my. As in golf or as in dance/drink? Oh, never mind....
I wonder if anyone's ever called me that?
Hot pink is so 80's...
It does nothing for you...
Hope life is great...
Enjoy the weekend!
I would love to see you in long gloves. Oh and nothing else ofcourse. :)
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