Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mens Thermal Underwear
Is So Very HOT!

Do any of you find it all strange that I find thermals on a man so very sexy? I just love a guy in thermals!! It so super hero"ish" with that form makes me go crazy! But I guess it also stems from my days as a paper boy in Seattle as my buddies and I used to freeze our buns off and so we all wore thermals on our paper routes and if we had any outdoor sports to do as well during the winter months......So you catch my drift about know about all those hot circle jerks and all that.....such good times! It was the 80's and we all wore thermals! We were cool rocker boys and would just wear our thermal tops to school which in those days were just the basic off white cream ones you got from K mart or Sears. Times have surely changed and now there are so many styles and colors to choose from. The hubby and I still wear them alot during the winter months......We layer them-- I know how butch.....or wear them on own....In fact I just got a new shirt over the weekend from Target! I love the new lightweight ones and got a new black one...its so slimming too! LOL.... Anyways.... here is a tribute photo post of thermal heaven for you and mostly ME! Thermals are just so butch!! I Love it!


Anonymous said...

Interesting fetish.

Hmmm...I think the setting has to be right. Log cabin, fireplace, hot chocolate and Bailey's...and Eddie Cibrian.

A Lewis said...

It's funny you'd mention these...because I was just thinking about them on our walk back home from lunch a bit ago. And after looking at the pictures, I can't imagine any reason to not want a pair.

Anonymous said...

I hated most 90s fashions but guys did look cute when they layered those thermal tops under plaid.

larry said...

the bulges are sexy...

Unknown said...

LOL, never thought thermals/long underwear were sexy.

I remember my mom trying to make me wear them and I HATED them, it made me feel like an old man, lol!