Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Sorry lost my job last week! Been kinda crazy around here getting everything in order as we leave for 2 weeks today..... On my way home to Hawaii today to recharge, regroup and re-energize! Be back soon! Honi Honi ( kiss kiss) Rad


Anonymous said...

Have a great trip and sorry to hear about the JOB. But hell, you are going to Hawaii. woohoo.

Ray's Cowboy said...

Safe trp. I am sorry to hear about your job loss. I knwo yu will come back full charge and get a better job.

Mark in DE said...

Sorry to hear you lost your job, but at least you get to spend the next 2 weeks in HI!! Enjoy...

robertga99 said...

Oh no! Sorry to hear that you lost your job. The travel industry sucks! We needed to get out anyway! I've been looking for a while. Good luck on your search for a new one and enjoy your vacation!

queer heaven said...

Enjoy the trip. I am sure it will be wonderful. When you get back all recharged, things will look brighter.

Anonymous said...

Have a great time in HI, sounds rather relaxing!

I am sorry to hear about your job. I'm sure that something better will come along.

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