Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Deep Freeze
Its a deep freeze in Seattle--its like the Artic! Snowed all day yesterday and then winds came through and it was a mini blizzard....Today we are all trying to recover--an stay warm...Sunny and Crisp! High today will be about 21 degrees.... brrrrrrr!!


VtBear said...

50 In Vt :) At least until tomorrow when your cold front gets here

A Lewis said...

Stay warm, boys! Thinking of you and wishing you a WARM and HAPPY Thanksgiving!

Ray's Cowboy said...

Please sen dit down this way. Were are in the mind 70's and humid.


Greg said...

He looks as though he could use a little warming up. Make you you two stay warm, too!

robinnisfail said...

What a Drama Queen!