Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Friday
How u doing? I have been busy! I so didn't want to get out of bed this am but decided I better get this day started and got up....Then noticed the furnace didn't fire up and so it must of went out again! Had a guy come check it last week and it had some clogging of oil or something to that effect and he tuned it up and fixed it.....Well I thought he did....anyhow it went off again and I am pissed. Unexpected shit like this is not needed when money is tight but we can only take a deep breath and well you know just swallow....LOL! Grrrrr!!!

Got alot going on this weekend.....One of my BFF's is having her citizenship party tonite. She became a US citizen about a month ago. She is from Sweden and I just adore her. We met a few years ago and hit it off from he moment we met. She has developed into a very close dear heart and I am so happy for her....So she and her hubby Shawn are having the shindig at a place in Belltown to celebrate....The Rendezvous- The Grotto........Should be a blast! And the guest list is good! Will be nice to see alot old friends and colleagues..... woot woot! I am sure we will have a marvy time! I wanted to go get a haircut and a new outfit...but now maybe not with the furnace eating up the extra cash! DAMMMIT! Oh well I am sure I can figure something out. Rads wardrobe closet is vast and I m sure I can dig up something cute....sigh....I have to be a recession unemployed fashionista I guess....

Tomorrow night we have another B day party to attend---Her name is Juku and she is a havenese.....Its a dog party! She is best buds with our kids.....I helped our gal pals find her years ago so I am kinda a god parent! It should be entertaining.

Well hope all is well with you and hope our weekends nice! Catch ya soon! xo Rad


Rebecca said...

sounds like a very busy and fun weekend enjoy.

Writer said...

Are you blowing the furnace man? Maybe he can give you a discount then. ;)

Lovely pic - I think I have a few of that guy in my own collection.

Also who who who who is that lovely above your Adult Advisory badge?

Take care.

Greg said...

Busy weekend! I hope you'll get a chance to rest a bit before the new week begins.

BosGuy said...

Happy Friday indeed - even if it was last week.

Rgutro said...

Rad- Have a great time at the Citizenship party. That's quite an accomplishment to your friend. Pass along our congratulations. We sympathize about the furnace. Ours went last winter and the A/C went in the summer. Ah, the joys of homeownership! :) Have a great weekend. Rob and Tom

Anonymous said...


Mark in DE said...

I know what you mean with the tight budget no shopping for non-necessities. Sorry bud! Hope the repairman fixes the furnace at no charge since he was just there a week ago.