Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Bedazzler Gone Wild--

So this chap--well lets just say it Queen had some time on his hands with his bedazzler to come up with this nifty body suit of bedazzler jews....

I present Super Queen Bedazzle-- she can blind you with her super sparkle power...


Friday, October 27, 2006

10,000 Served!!!

Started this for fun and it has been alot of fun for sure!...I didnt get into this for the visitor factor but my counter hit 9999 today and I guess it is kinda fun to say 10,000 has been served a dose of RAD ASS....

Thanks for stopping in everyone! And for all of youe out there that have become friends and such--you all know who you are! --thanks a bunch... Love ya tons! and thanks for all your encouragement and fun times.... Cheers to all and bravo for RAD ASS MEN!!! ~~~~ love ya all ...... me xoxoxoxoxoxox

Pineapple Pumpkin

I Love this!!!...Last night we carved 11 or so pumpkins for tomorrow nights Annual Halloween Bash at our abode...We painted some of them with black foral paint as last year as those are always very cool looking. New this year was using different size bits and drilling holes all around them--they came out nice and we talked about doing patterns next year due to how awesome the ones looked that we drilled ( not to mention how easy it was) and viola--look what popped up under pumpkin chic on the internet today...This pineapple pumpkin is to die for...

Big Bash is tomorrow nite!!! Will post pics for sure! I think we have about 20-30 guest confimred already and maybe even more as I keep geting e mails today they are all scheduled to stop in to our haunted home on the hill....So I gotta run...busy as a MUMMY!!! Gotta head to Costco for industrial size party goods and food...Have a nice MONSTER MASH weekend....

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Whos Your Cute Buddy...... Anderson Cooper?

Magazine Cover of the Year-

2006 Best News Cover Winner
The New Yorker (February 27, 2006) – Illustrated “Watch Your Back Mountain” featuring George W. Bush and Dick Cheney
Nowadays, news is covered instantly on the Internet and on the talk and news shows, and expanded upon in newspapers and newsweeklies, making it increasingly difficult for anyone to say anything original. Yet that’s what Mark Ulriksen managed in this “Watch Your Back Mountain” cover. Published when the movie Brokeback Mountain was about to be released, Ulriksen’s image evokes both the smugness of a vice president implicated in catastrophe and the cluelessness of a president incapable of stopping him. The image shows a couple of hapless chaps, prisoners of their fate and unable to alter the course of events they have set in motion--See more here-


DUMBFUCK MOUNTAIN would be my pick for the Cover of the year....

Monday, October 23, 2006

BABE BABE BABE...... One of my favorites of ALL Time --fucken Reeese..shes lucky...I hope she treats him right!

MENS VOGUE Has Arrived...
So Men's Vogue has arrived at your newsstand---ta da!!! And so who do you think is going to be the target audience? GAYS? as its only compo is GQ and Details---its going to be like a closeted OUT mag is my guess...like so many mens mags are--no men read them just us fags and closet cases. Whens the last time you saw super straight boy looking through a GQ? They would rather look through a Womens Day hoping to see some panty or flesh flash on ANY girl.... speaking of OUT ....who doesn't like the new format--Im still 50/50 on it as I don't like the new small print and layout--it doesn't seem updated more like outdated...Hmmmmm...I guess Ill give it a few more months until I really bitch about it..they better pump up the storys and flesh shots.


Goodness Gracious! They are coming out in droves--hope its a trend...R.J....great way to come out--did with class my kind sir..love the quotes- nice indeed!

Taken From PEOPLE

Former American Idol contestant R.J. Helton, 25, announced that he is gay while on SIRIUS Satellite Radio host Larry Flick's show "OutQ in the Morning" on Wednesday. During the on-air interview, Flick asked Helton – who'd been in the top five on the first season of the hit FOX show – why he was no longer performing inspirational music. Replied the singer, whose full name is Richard Jason Helton: "I can have a faith but can't be who I want to be. So a lot of it was just personal things I needed to overcome and just be proud of who I was. … Just because I am gay does not mean I can't love God." (Helton's 2004 Christian music album Real Life sold more than 20,000 copies.) "Well there you go," said Flick. "Congratulations. "This is something that I wasn't sure you were going to talk about on the air today, so what made you decide to come out?" Said Helton: "Today, this morning, three seconds ago … I've never even said that. It feels good." Expanding on that, Helton said, "It does feel great. It feels good. I'm just really comfortable with who I am now. I'm very proud of who I am." Helton's announcement made news on the same day that Grey's Anatomy star T.R. Knight, 33, told PEOPLE exclusively, "I guess there have been a few questions about my sexuality, and I'd like to quiet any unnecessary rumors that may be out there. While I prefer to keep my personal life private, I hope the fact that I'm gay isn't the most interesting part of me."

Friday, October 20, 2006

Dean, Judy and Frank Sing the Happy Friday Song...

I am so happy its FRIDAY...I feel like busting out a tune like these swinging folks....I can hear it now with some finger snapping and a nice old melody. All I need now is a drink. I think a Vodka Collins is calling my name-do bop de wat da!!!

Whatever your plans are for the weekend may it be what you,your body and your spirits may need--- Love you tons all you RAD ASS people!

SeXy TrOuSeRsNaKe

Madame Tussaud Has Some Bad Taste...Period


I love Jeff Corwin--

One of our favorites guys for sure! His show is one that Jeff and I have watched over the years and this last week ran across it again and made a mental note to post him...His show is super fun, informative and also really funny! Hes quite a card and also happens to be quite a handsome devil--Check it out on the Discovery Channel sometime if you dont know him---hes pleasing to watch thats for sure.... I heard he was on Ellen yesterday and I havent seen it but I heard the Ellen clip was very funny!--- He brought a snake on and the snake exposes Ellen's sissy side and it's frickin hilarious I guess. I know you would see my sissy side with a snake too! Yikers!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Project Runways WINNER! Congrats JEFFREY!

You were my PROJECT RUNWAY pick--Next was super Ulli of course--my hunny Jeffs pick was Ulli--Goes to show all you big losers who picked Micheal!!! ...You know who all are--you Michael lovers---whooper your jaws man! Too bad and so very sad...maybe its his fault though for hooking up with Brandy-- she always has been a shitty dresser with her bad fake hair...

Im glad as I never wanted Michael---icky! Yes... lets bring back white parachute pants with all these Michael Jackson belts and ties---uh gross! I don't know anyone that wanted that cow Laura to win as well ...thank god she was sent away with her four hundred evening gowns and be-dazzle gun collection!!! But actually they all did superb and this was the best season yet for sure--kudos to all the designers---but Jeffery is the man! Cheers to Jeffrey--and why is Tim Gunn so pink? he is in need of some bronzer....He should borrow some from the 10 year supply Michael Kors has at his house....

T.R.Knight Came Out Today..
Cutie Pie from Grays...

I think his quote below is simply the best..I wont bring up the whole big bruhaha that seems to be in the gossip rags,blogs and Im sure Seacrest will have it on his E news tonite -lets just hope whatever happens that T.R and Dempsey stick together and hope it all works out!

Heres the best quote in sometime!--

"I guess there have been a few questions about my sexuality, and I'd like to quiet any unnecessary rumors that may be out there. While I prefer to keep my personal life private, I hope the fact that I'm gay isn't the most interesting part of me."

Right on TR!!!---Like I have always since day one of coming out in 1985--My sexuality is a small part of who I am...Don't you think there so many things to consider before you place a judgement on me?

Cheers TR!

Nicky O Hotels

The Nicky O Hotel is the new venture for Nicky Hilton.... During a recent photo-shoot on the roof of the hotel for Ocean Drive Magazine, models posing with Nicky Hilton gave everyone a free show. Have a look at the "uncut" photos :: here :: Photos Source
thanks to Oh La la for info

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Trousersnake Plays Tag....

Tag Eriksson is Trousersnakes and Cameron new buddy.. It makes sense that celebrity couple Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake would want to deal with an award-winning real estate broker when looking for property in New York City. But did they ask what kind of awards? RadarOnline.com reports that their home hunter, 6-foot 5-inch tall Fredrik Eklund, a 29-year-old native of Sweden, won his award for best solo scene in a gay porn film. That’s our kind of real estate agent! Better known to many as “Tag Eriksson,” Eklund made six gay pornos, including Training Camp I and II, Desert Pick-Up 2, American Porn Star, and The Hole (a spoof of The Ring). Now his high-profile real estate activity is netting him mainstream press including mentions in the New York Times, Post, and Observer as well as New York magazine, but not a one mentions his other talents. Neither Eklund nor reps for the Diaz-Timberlake camp would remark on the house-hunt—or if they’re working together—but we’re ready to give props to Cam and J.T. if their agent’s porn past doesn’t frighten them away. (And even more if they rent The Hole.)

Info reported and taken from Out Magazine

Hawaii Earthquake makes me become a GREAT UNCLE and thus US Population Hits 300

My family from Hawaii is doing ok--thanks for all the e mails checking in on the family back home everyone--for the most part the only thing is the power outages that is slow and a pain to deal with--it could be much worst so we are thankful that this wake of of the gods was a nice one--On a brighter note my eldest nephew Tyson back in Honolulu became a dad on earthquake Sunday- That means I am now a great uncle...ok so now I feel really old! My mom said his wife had the baby right after the earthquake--poor little dear was ready to see the world after that rumble! Let me outta here! Pics soon!

Also--announced this am---was the news that the population is now at 300 million!

U.S. Population Hits 300 Million

WASHINGTON -- Some experts figure it happened a while ago but officially, the population of the United States hit 300 million people Tuesday.
The Census Bureau's population clock rolled over to the big number Tuesday morning at 7:46 EDT.


The nice thing about all of this is it was my dads b day...so his first great grandchild wwas born on his birthday....

Monday, October 16, 2006

Tony The Tiger-- Frosted Flakes for dinner anyone?

Dinner-- the Pumpkin Patches- Movies on the Sectional...
Had a wonderful weekend!!! ...First we started off the weekend on Friday night with a triple date--- We and the girls (Starla and Val) headed over to the beautiful new home of some new friends ---Leanne and Joseph--they invited us all over for a dinner----Joesph happens to be a chef so he prepared this really elegant dinner for the 6 of us---it was served in courses and took approx 4-5 hours for us to go through the whole entire dinner! It was all so spectacular--butter squash soup-crusted filled chicken--fresh roasted pork- fresh salad with strawberrys and candied walnuts-tropical sorbets- -and the dessert(s) alone was to die for---A flan, a warm chocolate mudslide dessert and coconut tiramisu! It was simply splendid and the company was top notch to match.. I drank alot of wine and was super surprised that I got up for Fallgasim Saturday ready to go!

Saturday headed out for our fall day with the girls as planned and had a great time as we went from farm to farm and to a few nursery's...Picked up Corn Stalks from Shotz Farm...Some winter pansies, kale plants and mums to add to the yard and planters for some fall and winter color from a cute little nursery farm....Got some Halloween goodies from Spooners Farm and picked up all our Halloween pumpkins and squash and such from this cute little P patch called the SCARY patch... It was truly a wonderful fall day! It will be in our memory's forever.... Then on Saturday night we headed over to my parents home for Dads 61st b day..It was small-- all the Hawaiian family came--dinner-cake- present...Hula.....Jeff and I got home around 1030ish and passed out..

Sunday-- We did nothing--well we did get up to clean the house and then gave the dogs a nice bath--Then went out and rented 3 movies and pretty much just relaxed on the sectional all day with the kids as it rained outside in our clean house and the clean dogs!

Got to enjoy 3 new gay flicks..

Say Uncle-- With Queer As Folks Peter Paige
Adam and Steve--My favorite of the three!!

Hellbent--Spooky sexy!-gay boys getting beheaded for Halloween!

It was a perfect way to spend a Sunday! and a perfect way to end a marvelous weekend!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Homerotic Nip Tuck....

Lets just say Im am so happy Nip Tuck is one of my new addictions! Perfect timing I guess as it is SOOOO GAY this season..... I didnt get to see this episode yet ---Jeff told me I would like it last night as he was able to watch it-- I was in la la land.....but fell across these pics today...like it? I think Im going to LOVE IT!!! WHOA!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Meet the ROLOFFS:

Little People Big World

So one of my favorite shows on TV is this treasure...I watched the entire first season due to one of those marathons---you know how it goes --you watch one episode of the marathon ---get hooked and then you end up watching the whole season eating bon bons all day on the sofa.... I enjoyed it alot though and I was super happy to see it back with a new season 2 this last week....So far its 2 episodes in and its just as good as the first...It really is a family reality/drama and I simply love it...It touches my heart and reminds me of growing up with my family--I also see alot of this family in our friends the Westons and the Walters...they are raising kids the right way as far as Im concerned.... Lots of love and tolerance and I don't know--- its just a certain something--you don't see it in most familys these days at all ----but you do here----GOD I LOVE IT!! Check it out...


Pumpkin Patch...

Going to the pumpkin patch on Saturday am!! I could just burst I tell you ......Going to Orting Washington--which has farm after farm of fresh veggies and flowers and pumpkin patches and such..On one road! Its going to be a fallgasim....here we are Starla, Val, Jeff and I....in some made up pics!! Funny huh--look how cute Jeff is...Little man! BTW.... Speaking of little have you all seen that show on TLC -- Little People Big World? Love it!!!-- Season Two premiered this last week....Cool family from Oregon! The Rolofts! I bet they do the fall pumpkin patch thing too! I now have to do a post on them..

THANKS to my Reasons, Seasons and Lifetimes

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that once our need has been met and our desires fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it as it is real, but only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.


Today is National Coming Out Day. Did you know that FTD Flowers actually has a “Coming Out” flower bouquet? Its very festive with all of its bright colors and even designed by Todd Oldham ! You can click the FTD link I provided in the first line and see the different arrangements for yourself. Just look on the left hand side of the page and you will see it declared proudly, National Coming Out Day.. So cute cute cute..

We accept everyone who decides to BUST out today!! Well almost everyone.....Can we give back a some? ----a few comes to mind today and number one in line is is that fuck wad Foley--

I think it would be fun to have a Shove Back In The Closet Day...as we could give back to the straight community the ones we dont like- I think this is a swell idea!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Fridays Hot Pic...
Jake and Jamie....

Jamie Lee and Jake hanging out shopping this last week...Jeff told me she is his god mother or something..so cute.!!.. We are dong the last official festival of the year...Issaquah Salmon Days on Sunday--we are going with Ma and Pa and doing the festival thing....Tomorrow the kids have a day of beauty at the salon so they get a trim and such....we get to shop as we wait...FUN!!! so a busy weekend ahead..Doesnt Jake look hot in thei pic? What a babe!

More of DNA Magazines LUKESTER!!!

This months DNA magazinis round 2 pics of handsome LUKE...


Check out DNA's Luke!

This boy is perfection to me-----LUKE in this months DNA magazine... I think someone nees to throw a bucket of water on me.....

As seen on Suri Cruise!

Hilarious!! Check it out! and Make sure to click on the Gallery-- Pictures added daily!
