Friday, February 29, 2008

Justin Timberlake
In The Love Guru

I just had to post this pic-- for so many reasons.....I am sure you can think of at least 2.......What a clown.....this is in Mike Meyers’ new flick, The Love Guru.....


  1. I still don't think there is any way I'll go see this movie

    Looks tragic!

  2. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I don't know whether to laugh or crazy at that photo!

  3. I've never been a JT fan so this is no incentive for me to see the movie. And for all his supposed hotness, he doesn't even look remotely hot in this photo.

    Mark :-)

  4. I AM a fan, but...eewwww! Not hawt!

  5. There's so much that's wrong with this picture--not the least of which, the ketchup

  6. Anonymous7:22 PM

    He just seems like a tool. I am sure he is a downhome Southern guy who loves his mama. Think he ever let the gay one go down on him after a few beers?

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