Monday, March 03, 2008

More Dreaming.......
John and Olivia and Puppies?

I have been dreaming alot lately.....I have a theory on why but will go into that later....
This is our dear friend Val and I. Or as some of us call her E VAL. She is my partner when I get nice and toasted and think I can sing. Every boy needs a duet partner and she is it and the best ever! We really like to belt out the power love ballads- Anyhow, I had a dream last night that we were singing at a competition that was set up like American Idol, and John Travolta and Olivia Newton John were the judges! After we sang (I don't recall if we won but I think we should of damm it) Olivia took us to her house(?) A nice house-all white-ocean view-Very Hollywood...We drank cocktails and wait for the rest of the gang to show up. We hear a buzz and Olivia goes roller skating- ala Xanadu over to the security camera and announces to us to look at the tv monitor...we see Jeff (my hunny) and Starla (Vals hunny) pulling up to this gate in this big caddy convertible and John Travolta's driving. So we go out to greet them and when they open the door to the car they are followed by 10 or so little puppies who all come running out with them! We are all happy and the dogs are all over kissing and jumping around like crazy.......
Then I wake and look at the clock and its about 330am....No puppies, house, caddy, Olivia on skates or John....Just Jeff, Maile and Alika snoring next to me......gosh that dream was so real....But what is real is my family-- its a nice dream that is real .... I think I need a pair of Roller Skates.....

1 comment:

  1. My god, you are as screwed up as I am with my dreams of Nancy Reagan and the dog pee.
