Thursday, April 10, 2008


I think we need to take a trip over to the sin city to see Cher this fall......I love her......Ok... so am I like the only gay man that hasn't seen her in concert ever? I know GASP! You would think with like 5 farewell tours I would of caught her at least once when she came to town for her last time at least 5 times!

On a side note am I the only one that thought Carly sounded a bit Cher"ish" on this weeks American Idol? I dug it.....I hope she isnt sent home...


  1. Last time I saw her in concert, I think it was pre-pre-farewell, it was much too programmed. She sang most of the songs that I wanted to hear but it was more about the staging and costumes than having a fun experience interacting with the crowd. I was disappointed. . .

  2. I haven't seen Cher in concert either. Spouse really wants to see her in Vegas later this year. If we go, I'll post about it for sure.

    Mark :-)

  3. I wanna go too! I've never seen her. I'd like to see Bette also.
