Thursday, April 10, 2008

Into The Wild
A Brilliant Movie

Into The Wild based on the classic book of the same name by Jon Krakauer. Made into a movie by Sean Penn....I FINALLY got to see it over the weekend and I loved it for so many reasons... what a story and message eh? And Emile Hirsch is one hot actor right now! I loved him in Alpha Dog......He and Ben Foster so hot...Emile's coming up in Speed Racer and Milk....Very good things to looks forward to seeing him in....hes a great actor ...

Milk (2008) (post-production) .... Cleve Jones
Speed Racer (2008)
Into the Wild (2007) ....
The Air I Breathe (2007) ....


  1. "Into the Wild" sounds a little too dark for my taste, but I'm really looking forward to "Speed Racer" - which shows my age, I guess.

    Mark :-)

  2. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I had a dream about him. I think I saw the speedracer trailer too many times.

  3. I loved this movie!

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I have watched only the trailer, but Emile Hirsch looks hot in the movie and that's what counts, not? :XD
