Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Living Lohans ONLY STAR
NANA Lohan

Meet Nana Lohan (Anne Sullivan) - The Lohan matriarch and the star of "Living Lohan." The only only star of this new show in my opinion! Ok..... so this long weekends R and R was done yesterday as we layed around all day long-- just ran off to the grocery store for a quick trip for this weeks lunches and dinners in the morning and then we settled in for the day with the dogs and watched TV all day long....Movies all day and catching up what was on the DVR---Evening time saw 2 premiere's Living Lohan and the new Denise Richards show.....The Denise show was ok....but then again a show with 10 dogs and 3 pigs is always ok to me...I will keep watching this one....Denise is very likable too.....But Living Lohan was REALLY BAD! It seems all they do is go online to gossip sites and magazines and bitch about it..... or was it about Ali Lohans singing career? I'm not sure what the flippin show is about and I don't really like that Ali much---she reminds me of that Ashley Simpson.....its strange how they are similar considering they both have that older famous sister thing.... they are both those kinda raspy voiced chicks that work my last nerve........If either was suddenly hit by a bus I wouldn't be too sad......anyhow I think Nana Lohan is the best of that show- Don't we boys just love our Grannys! She rocks!


  1. I'd rather be hit by a bus than suffer through any TV show with any no-talent Lohan in it.

    Glad you had a relaxing holiday weekend.

    Mark :-)

  2. Your bottom ought to be sore by now. I mean with all that TV watching.;)
