Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sex In The City
Premiere Weekend!

Sex in the Seattle City Mania-- So most downtown movie houses here are selling tickets like hotcakes and believe it or not they are SELLING out!--WTF! Good luck with a Friday or Saturday night ticket....In fact.... It was even on the local news here! Its even on sale on craigslist-- So Crazy! We are not going to the 1201am showing tonite that's for sure so we are going to see it on Saturday in the burbs with the country lgbt crowd....Now that should be as entertaining as the movie eh? all know what I mean!!!!.....So are you going to see it? I really think its going to have a big giant opening weekend man! I also noticed that not many other movies open this weekend........hmm.......I wonder why huh?


  1. I'm not going so far as to see it at midnight tonight, but I'm planning on catching it this weekend. Probably Sunday night. Can't wait!

  2. Saw it, LOVED it!

    Also saw 27 Dresses this weekend, with your favorite, the very sexy James Marsden, which I really enjoyed, too.

    Mark :-)
