Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Busy Bee What a week! Been busy as a honey bee. I haven't been able to elaborate much lately due to being so hectic! New job is going very well, I am on week 2 and loving it- I am so happy to be away from Korean Linda Blair, but most importantly this is more my speed- I am working for a cruise line again in group sales and its a much better fit for me. I am sad that the hotel sales job didn't pan out, I sorta feel like I failed at the attempt, but in all honesty I think under different circumstances I would of been able to excel at the position but I didn't see that transpiring with the environment I was put in, so I am happy I decided to leave and start this new path.

We had a good weekend-- we did the street fair thing-- Friday the West Seattle Street Fair and Saturday the Kent Cornucopia Fair....The weather was nice and it was good for us to get out in the fresh air and sunshine- It was good people watching that's for sure! Both the hubby and I went on our own to both which was nice as we were able to enjoy time alone together- Got some yard work done as well of course and cleaned up around the house---The weekends go by so fast! I wish we could work 4-10 hour days and have 3 days off a week as that would be perfect.

So my weeks going well. Today one of the kids (Alika the male Shih Tzu) has a dermatology apointment- it is his follow up from his 1st visit a month ago- He is doing much better. I think I mentioned in the past how he has had bad skin allergies for some time now...The Dr. put him on meds and he has to take injections ( still is ). You inject him with all the stuff he is allergic to so his system will build up a tolerance....crazy! But he looks and you can tells feels 100% better. So will see what happens tonite at his follow up- Im sure he will have more test and maybe continue some meds for a bit-and maybe another program of some sort--- will see what happens. I do know its going to cost alot....but Alika is so worth it!

Weekends only 2 days away! We get to pick up the new addition On Friday or Saturday! Weather in Seattle is being super consistent right now-- we are enjoying a summer- everyday is sunny and warm and in the low 80's or high 70's- Perfect! Its the best time to live in the Pacific Northwest!


  1. Glad to hear you are so much happier at work, after the change. Its no good to be stressed out all the time because of a stupid job!

    Also glad you enjoyed your weekend.

    Mark :-)

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

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